Dog Slipping On Floors And Invention Of Toe Grips 0:03
- Rob Ryan Talks About Her Dog Gus Tripping on Hardwood Floors and How to Help Senior Pets
- Toe Grips, Dr. Julie Buzby's Nail-Mounted Device That Prevents Slipping, Have Worked for Her and Other Dog Owners
Dog Nail Care Products And Their Benefits 2:56
- Julie Buzby Explains Dog Boots Are Custom-Engineered to Grip Dogs' Nails Perfectly, Reducing Scratching and Being Natural for Dogs' Traction Mechanisms
- Rob Ryan Believes He Doesn't Need Research to Prove Dog Boots Preserve Flooring Because His Physician Says They Work, and Many People Worry About Their Feet
- Julie Buzby Says Nail Protectors Last One to Three Months and Can Be Worn Continuously for Dogs With Specific Diseases
- Rob Ryan Complains About Amazon Dog Hair Products That Don't Work
- He Thinks These Products Are Designed to Get Good Reviews, Squandering Users' Money and Time
Dog Paw Care And Product Recommendations 9:55
- Julie Buzby Feels Frustrated by Competitors' Deceitful Marketing, Emphasizing Industry Quality and Trust
- Toe Grips Help Three-Legged Dogs Grip, Protect Nails, and Improve Proprioception
Dog Nail Care And Its Importance For Posture And Health 13:11
- Julie Buzby Emphasizes Proper Dog Nail Clipping for Posture and Gait
- Veterinarians Emphasize Regular Dog Nail Care to Prevent Long-Term Health Complications
- Rob Ryan and Dr. Julie Buzby Discuss the Importance of Dog Nail Trimming, With Dr. Buzby Detailing Their Experience
- Rob Ryan and Dr. Julie Buzby Agree That Many Solutions Exist for Dogs With Sensitive or Resistant Nail Clipping
Dog Nail Care And Veterinary Medicine 19:35
- Julie Buzby Discusses Trimming Dogs' Nails, Emphasizing Good Technique and Avoiding Cutting Into the Quick
- Julie Buzby Explains a Dog's Quick Length Is Not Breed-Specific and Might Vary Greatly Across Individuals
- Trimming or Dremeling Frequently Can Shrink the Quick, But It's Difficult and Demands Persistent Effort
- Rob Ryan Asks About Nail Growth and the Liver, According to Dr. Julie Buzby, Traditional Chinese Medicine Links the Liver to the Nails, Therefore Aberrant Nail Growth Can Indicate Liver Problems
- Julie Buzby Recommends Taking Abnormal Nail Development to a Vet, Especially If the Nails Are Brittle or Breakable, as It May Indicate an Immune-Mediated or Autoimmune Condition
Nail Health And Counterfeit Products 26:33
- Rob Ryan and Dr. Julie Buzby Compare Original and Counterfeit Toe Grips for Quality and Distinctiveness
- Rob Ryan Is Frustrated With Pet Supplement Buyers Prioritizing Money Over Quality, Especially With Dr. Julie Buzby's Products
- Ryan Encourages Listeners to Support Animal Health Pioneers Like Dr. Julie Buzby
Dog Nail Care And Mobility With A Veterinarian 31:33
- Julie Buzby Emphasizes the Importance of Approved Content and Reliable Resources for Dog Owners
- Julie Buzby Gives 10% Off the Nail Trimming Course and Other Dog Care Goods to the Audience
- Julie Buzby and Rob Ryan Discuss Dog Nail Care and Mobility on Social Media and YouTube
Dog Slipping On Floors And Invention Of Toe Grips 0:03
Rob Ryan 00:03
Hey, everybody; thanks for joining us. I am pleased, very happy. Joining us from her hotel at a veterinary conference is Dr. Julie Buzby, the inventor of toegrips.com. Hi, Dr. Buzby.
Dr. Julie Buzby 00:18
Hey, thanks for having me.
Rob Ryan 00:20
That's so cool. Because, you know, we didn't talk very much before the show. But we said hello. And I said, Oh, my gosh, I didn't think it was an actual, you know, Dr. Buzby; I don't know why; I didn't think a human was being behind it. Here you are. So, so cool for my company and my team to set this up and be able to show up and be like, This is so cool. I was. Man, this is maybe seven years ago, or six years ago, for my older lap, who's now past, buddy; he, you know, I have these wood floors and stuff. And, you know, the old story that you hear probably hundreds and hundreds of times is that he would be slipping or go around the corner and slip. And, you know, it's hard on older dogs. And I got good at researching a lot of things. I had the boots on them, and you know, that gets old real quick. And then it makes the clicker make the sound on all these things. It's like you, and people try all these things. And then they go, Oh, my gosh, this is incredible; I tried at one point; this somebody genius came out and invented these, like balloons. All they are is like actual balloons. And they probably patent them for use on dogs. But try that for, like, a second. It worked pretty well. But again, the noise, and then, like, well, my dog's feet aren't breathing. They're not. There's no air coming. That doesn't seem right. And they were tight around the restrictions. So I had to slice them on top of them. So everything's a thing, you know. And with Gus, he's seven. And I don't have any issues with my current flooring with him. And, you know, I will probably revisit that as he gets older. But you know, what you created is so cool. So I want to talk about what we'll tell people: these are like you put these little grips on their nails. Right? Right. Yep. You fit them on. And that then, you know, because dogs will dig in when they start slipping; they'll dig in with their nails. And then you also have, you know, the traction because they're, I mean, probably essentially like a rubberized material. Yeah.
Dog Nail Care Products And Their Benefits 2:56
Dr. Julie Buzby 02:56
They're a custom-engineered material to provide the perfect grip, right? I
Rob Ryan 03:01
love it. So I knew you were going to say something like that. I was like, oh, gosh, I'm using the word rubber. That's so wrong. But no, it's, it's, it's super interesting, because also, I think it just occurred to me, people have lovely floors. They have, like, they probably buy these that their dogs don't necessarily. They're not elderly or have mobility issues, but they want to save their floors, right?
Dr. Julie Buzby 03:32
I just got that question about 10 minutes ago at the conference. So, we have never marketed to grips for that purpose. I care about the dog and not the floors, but we know that they make dogs quieter and spare the feet to some degree. So, like I said, We've never researched it or put that claim in any of our advertising. But they decrease the amount of scratching the dog's nails. And I think it's important to remember why dogs are doing this like you. You get it right, like they get scared. They're up on their nails trying to dig in. It's because of a dog's natural mechanism for traction. Like, isn't the paw pads it isn't. I don't know why we tried to turn them into people by putting them in boots and socks. A Dog's natural mechanism for traction is to flex the claws and engage the nails, like soccer cleats. And that's why in the olden days when everybody had wall-to-wall shag carpet, that wasn't an issue because the pins can work on that just like they can work in the grass. But hard nails can't grip floors like the beautiful travertine, hardwood, and engineered laminate. So these are just so simple and so natural. They give the nails a little bit of grip they need to be able to function naturally.
Rob Ryan 04:50
Yeah, I mean, and you don't need a lot. It would be best if you had a little bit of a stop. You know you need to use something that engages a flow or with it with the nails. Right? My vet told me about your product not long ago, about seven-ish years ago, but I don't think you need a study. Official. I don't think I will save you 10s of 1000s of dollars. You don't need a study to prove that those say floors. I appreciate that you said you care about the document and the feet, but many overlook them. You know, there's a lot of these floors. Yeah, yeah. So, you know, to all the floor, pleasant high-end flooring installers, it would be best to sell a little display of Dr. Julie Buzby's nail protectors in the office. How long does it take to slip these on? They're like little like, you know, fitted like they look like little claws or like little held things you put on the feet. Yeah.
Dr. Julie Buzby 05:54
They're ring-shaped, and that nail tip is still exposed—so there is good airflow. Good, you know? Yeah,
Rob Ryan 06:00
yeah. So how, how long did those last? Typically do? You probably know because you've been doing this for a long time.
Dr. Julie Buzby 06:09
You know, I've been doing this for a long time. So, first of all, I wouldn't say I like to use the term slip them on because it's not like Cinderella's slipper. They need to go on very smugly because they adhere to what we call a friction fit. So they're just creating a vacuum on the nail. You don't have to glue them like that's one of our advantages. Now, we recommend gluing in specific cases, dogs with neurologic problems and dogs with three legs, but for the average senior dog plodding through life, you work them up onto the nail, and they create a friction fit. So to your question, they last one to three months. So that is such a beautiful thing compared to boots and socks that you have to take on and off multiple times a day because the dog's paws are sweating; you can leave these on for one to three months. That doesn't mean you don't look at them for one to three months. I think it's essential that people give them a quick visual inspection every day, ensure they're in position, and ensure everything looks good, but they can wear them continuously for that amount of time. Yeah,
Rob Ryan 07:13
what you did is you just brought me back to that place. Almost a decade ago, with my older dogs. That was a horrible place, so I tried booty socks with silicone. And I tried even to think there's a this, I would never do this. But I did think about it for a minute, like wonder if this would work is dipping that this was before I learned about your product dipping their toes in this stuff that you can put on tools, like you can dip your devices in, like a plastic thing. But I thought that God only knows how bad that is in chemicals. And that's utterly antithetical to what I'm into. And then I also looked at, like, for a minute, at wax on the bottom of their paws and their pads. And that's also where they respirate through, you know, their skin. Why? Why am I putting something on even if it worked? And then it also gets all of your floor. I don't. I've never tried it. But I know it would get all over your floor, and then you have wax and stuff all over your floors. Good luck cleaning that up. It's like it's kind of a it's a real pain point for people. It is for the dog. And for the dog. I keep returning to the people because the person is watching this. But yeah, I mean, the dog is like it's torture to put these things on many of these dogs; it's not their natural state. And you know that there's that whole massive dimension, but for the folks watching, folks, it is I know if you know, you know if you don't know and you're heading towards this direction, let me save you a ton of energy and frustration. You go by these junky things on Amazon that promise you the world, and they have, you know, a 4.6 review rating by some miracle. I have to believe that's all engineered. Let's be kind. So you'll go through, and yes, you're wasting money, but you're also wasting time, so you're getting increasingly frustrated, and you go in this spiral of like, oh my gosh, can I just be done with this issue? It isn't that complicated of a problem. You know, that's the consumer mindset when they're when they're trying all these different things. I'd imagine you must see a ton of stuff being sold as a solution on Amazon.
Dog Paw Care And Product Recommendations 9:55
Dr. Julie Buzby 09:55
I do, and a lot of it is like a knockoff of our product, and honestly, it hurts me because I think we have worked so hard for over a decade to create Goodwill for our company. And when other companies, like purposely deceptively, try to steal that and sell an inferior product, or a product that could potentially harm, as a veterinarian for 25 years, I'm looking at this, and I'm thinking, here's a big issue. Like, yeah, that hurts me. I mean, our product is 100% money back, guaranteed. We've sold hundreds of 1000s of packages, and I made it my life mission for the past 1112 years. So I know our product and stand behind it.
Rob Ryan 10:42
Forgive me, folks; I'm going to put an image up. I don't know how it's going to appear. Because I'm like, I'm not like the technical whiz with this platform. But, um, this is what it looks like. Oh, that looks good. Oh, it looks pretty good. Okay. So see, see the nails. It goes around the nails. And I wanted to show this while we were talking about it, but I forgot I was engrossed in what you're saying. So, in this cool, you guys like you put these around? And then it creates a vacuum? You said?
Dr. Julie Buzby 11:12
Yeah, they adhere to the nail by that snug fit.
Rob Ryan 11:17
That's very cool. And then you said that if a legged dog has certain conditions, you might have to glue it. What is that super glue, or do you have glue?
Dr. Julie Buzby 11:27
We recommend Scotch superglue gel because it's a little bit less messy to be the jail, but there's no magic. You know, there's nothing magic about it. So, tripod dogs, three-legged dogs. I think it's because they have a compensatory gait that they pop off to grips, and then a dog with a neurologic condition. What happens is they drag or scuff their paws; it's called a conscious proprioceptive deficit. And when you think about the pole facing backward, and they're scratching it along, it tends to pop off those toe grips. So if they're badly dragging to grips, they aren't the right product. But from mild to moderate dragging, we glue the toe grips on, and not only do they do three things for those dogs, but it's cool. First of all, they provide traction. Secondly, they're sparing to the nails; when the pins are dragging in that direction, it's like where's the nails, so it protects the nails from that because now the toe grips are taking the brunt. And thirdly, this is cool, and it provides a little bit of proprioceptive stimulus. So that's a fancy word for, like, drawing the brain's attention to the pause; the toes have one of the highest concentrations of receptors for proprioception, like knowing where the body is in space, very high concentration. Another reason why boots and booties are a bad idea is because you're taking these dogs that already have mobility issues. Maybe you're frail, balanced, or neuro, turning off your proprioception by covering everything up. So toe
Rob Ryan 13:02
grip is connecting it, disassociating you're
Dr. Julie Buzby 13:07
This affects the input from the receptors with the ground.
Dog Nail Care And Its Importance For Posture And Health 13:11
Dr. Julie Buzby 13:11
You know, you're putting a block there. Yeah.
Rob Ryan 13:13
Yeah. So that's no no bueno.
Dr. Julie Buzby 13:17
Skepticism. Is there a big issue? People look at the picture you just posted in there like, Oh, they're so small, like, what could they possibly do? But that's the beauty of them like they're so small, but they're targeted traction, and they don't interfere like they're minimally obtrusive for that dog's gait. Even though they don't cover the nail trip tips like that's by design, they don't add any extra length for the nail to break over during gait. It's, like, fascinating to me.
Rob Ryan 13:47
Dr. Julie Buzby, the thing you said that, like, hit me. First, I had dogs with appropriation, which is what we call it.
Dr. Julie Buzby 13:54
Yeah, um, proprioceptive deficit. Yeah, so they call it like knuckling over.
Rob Ryan 14:01
That's my dog's case; it was a neurological disconnection between the front of that brain and the rear end. And yeah, he hit his nails totally war on the top. So you look at him, you're like, what? Just little by little, you know. And then what broke my heart is that you said those have so many nerve endings. And you know, because they're constantly communicating to the brain. Should we at least say this: this shows that people need to keep their dog's nails trimmed for that reason. Like, well, that's
Dr. Julie Buzby 14:40
It's a whole other story. And that was my passion project before two groups came into my life. I used to joke that Michelle Obama has childhood obesity, and I have dog toenails. So yes, nail length is a big deal. As you said, the receptors affect how feedback returns to the brain at the toes. So long nails affect posture, the dog's standing, and gait. And it's not just a temporary thing. Like, if you're wearing scuba flippers, you know, you're just wearing them, like, temporarily, for a few hours. You're not wearing them 24/7, Like your dog's long nails. So yes, I'm a huge believer in the importance. And really, it's an under-discussed topic, even in veterinary medicine; Rob is a massive believer in appropriate nail care. Yeah,
Rob Ryan 14:46
you know, I have. It's a pain to trim your dog's nails. Everybody knows that. But it's the way it's got to be. But when you're, my vet explained to me, when your dog's nails that usually grow into the ground, they, you know, it's like, Would you want, my vet said this to me? Would you like to have longer nails and then constantly be doing this? And feeling that? And we, you know, it's a it's a small slight form of torture. The other thing that occurred to me just a second ago with what you said is, if you were raw, I don't know, let's use an example of a metaphor of you have to get fitted with the right shoes. Otherwise, you're mistaken. If you're protonated, or what's the, what's the opposite of protonated? Whatever with you, the author's? Yeah, if your shoes were opposite, which beaded, you say you wore those for two years, you're going to have like some severe hip damage or knee issues, you might have to have surgery, you might get an ACL tear early, you might what? Like, all these things are time; they're just slowly eroding. They're super silent. And that's the dangerous thing. But I like a shout-out to everybody. I know it's super hard with your and your dog's nails. And I just felt called to say this during this show. Please do what you have to do and send them to somebody. Just figure out a way to hire a dog trainer if your dog is not having it. Do something because this is critical. I see so many dogs, and I'm sorry, but I judge the dog owner. If I see long dogs with long nails, I consider them uninformed or not caring. I do.
Dr. Julie Buzby 17:33
I think it's more the performer. Of course, I hope it's okay to say this, but I have a central website because it is such an essential topic for me. So it's like ten modules, walks you through why nails matter, the neurology of it, the anatomy of it, how to trim because it's like, yeah, you can go snip, but I think that's where people get intimidated. It's like clipping, clipping hope. Well, that's not how you want to do it. There are very objective landmarks in the nail, even in black nails, that you can learn to watch for where you can know; okay, this is as far back as I can go. So it's not a guessing game. I want to get it as far back as I can without hitting the quick, which is the blood and nerve supply bleeds; it hurts. And there are some objective things that you can look for and, like, make it very straightforward. So I have a course that I teach all of that in a very positive way, positive for the person and the dog, and how to trim your dog's nails with no blood, sweat, or tears. And that's on our website.
Rob Ryan 18:38
Oh, that's great. I used to my past, but I used to use the Dremel just past two dogs, and they were okay with it. And it was it was super effective except the the. I didn't think it was very healthy for me to be breathing in dog nail dust. I didn't think that was smart. So I kept blowing every time I hit their nail with the Dremel. I'd be like, anyway, sidebar the that now my dog Gus hates that, and there's no getting around it. It's just the way he is. So I use a course. I bought these coarse nail files, and I like a couple. He's sensitive. He's ticklish or a, I don't know, he's oversensitive " with teeth brushing, so I just found a way around it. There's always a way isn't isn't there always a way?
Dog Nail Care And Veterinary Medicine 19:35
Dr. Julie Buzby 19:35
There's always a way. No, I mean, especially working with kids and animals. You have to be creative. You have to keep it positive. Yeah, yeah.
Rob Ryan 19:41
I mean, how do you? Confident kids like, you know, they won't eat vegetables. Well, you don't let them eat vegetables. You find ways to shove it into things. Like, do what you got to do. You know? The other thing I would say about Nick Animals wasn't about nails. You got a course, oh, if you get your dog's teeth cleaned, or their you know, usually the dog's teeth tend some fats will take that, you know, kind of backup the end sometimes there's bleeding I It's, it's not the best solution, but they will reset the quick and trim them and but then you have to keep them maintained. You can't just do this every four years when the dog's teeth get cleaned or three years or two years. So anyway, I could probably do a whole show on this with you,
Dr. Julie Buzby 20:39
You know, I would highly recommend never doing this. I'm going to reset by cutting into the quick on purpose. That used to be like 25 years ago, that was a thing, you know, the dogs under anesthesia. Let's just cut those nails like that was even in veterinary medicine. But we now know that it is super dangerous. You can give the dog lifelong problems with chronic infections and chronic pain. Still, often, like when I owned a veterinary hospital for almost ten years and complimentary with any anesthesia, we appropriately trim the dog's nails. But you're right, then you get to keep up with it at home.
Rob Ryan 21:19
Okay, so when you turn them on or anesthesia, you would trim them to the quick, like right before it bled or something. Yeah,
Dr. Julie Buzby 21:26
We were not getting blood; we just trimmed them back according to the technique I taught in the course. So you're seeing what you're doing. You get them short, and it's different for every dog. So, for some dogs, I'm defining short nails as the furthest you can go without getting near the quick, so no pain, no blood. So, for some dogs, that's not very short because their picture is long. You can get some dogs relatively short, and they have shorter ones. So it does. It's a dog-to-dog variation.
Rob Ryan 21:53
Are there certain breeds that have long quicks?
Dr. Julie Buzby 21:57
I don't, there probably are. I can't say that I've ever appreciated it to be breed-specific. However, if you think about the Doberman Pinscher with a little cat, you know they have a different conformation, the cat per foot versus the hare foot. So if they're correct, and the nails are kept very short, then they'll have faster quickly, so I'm not saying breed-specific in my knowledge base. I'm saying dogs, specifically dogs whose nails have been let go. Those quicks tend to grow down over time and are more challenging to get back. There does seem to be a genetic component in my mind as to how long that quick is going to go, like the maximum length, because I have seen dogs with talents for nails, and the quick still short, but I don't know if it's like breed specific or dog specific.
Rob Ryan 22:45
Oh my gosh. So yeah, I was referring, like, if you had a, let's say, you got a rescue and nobody paid attention to these nails. And they were these talents or, like, here's where the nail starts. And they're like this. That's painful. So, you would wreck them. So, you can retrain the quicks right then the sorry; what does that call now? I just lost my train of thought,
Dr. Julie Buzby 23:13
The blood and the nerves. Yeah, it is—a little bit of a wife's tale. So you can, but it won't be by trimming or dribbling every two or three weeks. If you are trying to get that quick to recede, you need to trim or Dremel every one to three days, like your idea of a little bit, because you want there to be some stimulus for it to want to recede, so it's not going to happen. You, you know, go to the gym trend every month. It's never going to happen. It's, like, super frequent.
Rob Ryan 23:52
Yeah, so not the guillotine clippers. You take a Dremel or a really like what you know; you buff your nails with whatever those are called. But you get the coarse ones like I have. They make them coarse. I just Googled coarseness, and I didn't know anything about nail files. And I learned in five seconds, you know, coarseness of nail files; I bought those, and you take 121212. That's what I keep doing with Gus. Sidenote: do you tell me what you know about this? When Gus was young, his nails never really grew, which is odd. It was incredible. And then, as he got older, they started to grow to a more normal rate, but I had a dog that they grew fast, and a holistic vet told me it's connected. It's possibly related to the liver. Does that sound like something you know about
Dr. Julie Buzby 24:52
In traditional Chinese medicine, the nails are connected; that is correct. So, I wouldn't like to make a one-to-one always straightforward, like a law comparison. But there is a connection there, for sure. And like the eyes are related to the liver. Yes.
Rob Ryan 25:12
Interesting. So you might, if you're, if your dog has these, like crazy growing nails, you've had dogs, and it's just this dog as a standout, you might bring that up to your vet. And that's a great conversation that your vet may say, Oh? And this also these other things happening. And, you know, it's an indication; who would have thought the nails could be a window into the liver? I mean, that's, yeah,
Dr. Julie Buzby 25:39
But I wouldn't, I wouldn't make the correlation late that way. I would do the opposite. So if they're thriving and like, that's healthy. I would say if they're growing abnormally if they're brittle, so if the tissue, you know, if the nails themselves don't look regular bats, which you want to bring up to your vet, the liver would be on my list, autoimmune disease, some immune-mediated disease. So, for sure, the nails, like the skin, can be a symptom worth bringing up, but it would be more so if the nails are not standard in some way and are prone to breaking or something like that.
Rob Ryan 26:15
Okay. Yeah. So, the brittle nails. I'm just like, dubbing you this. You're just like my nail expert. This is like, I'm so I've never done the show on nails. I'm glad to do it
Nail Health And Counterfeit Products 26:33
Rob Ryan 26:33
Sorry. So, Dr. Julie Buzby's kind enough to give us all this excellent nail information. Let's say again, toegrips.com. Are they buying directly? And hey, there are these counterfeits on Amazon. And what else is new? You know, Amazon is just full of it. So, can I ask this simple question: why won't I buy it? Why shouldn't I buy it? The? You know, I don't know, I'm sure they're cheaper. They're trying to outprice you. And so the person is looking at those and going, gee, they look the same? What could be the difference? And they're cheaper? What? What do you say to people who go on Amazon and say that? Right?
Dr. Julie Buzby 27:31
So number one, I'm so proud that two groups are 100% Made in the USA. So that's a huge difference. They're a patented product; as I said, we started in 2012 and launched officially after a year of R&D in 2013. We have a ton of data behind us, and we are the only product scientifically studied by a significant veterinary school. And there is no product exactly like two groups out there. There are a lot of people trying to take our name, our, you know, invention, even our graphic images. But the grips are unique in the way they're designed. They're exceptional in the way that they're made. And we stand behind our product 100%. Reach out to us if you have any issues. Our customer service team will take care of you. We care about your dog's success.
Rob Ryan 28:23
That's great. And also, I hadn't done any comparison before I got on the show with you. The material that they're made with is it, that's a thing. Number one, we don't know unless you're going to have an analysis laboratory where you can compare the makeup of the counterfeit. Here's the other thing, folks. You know, do business with trailblazing people, do business with people who are inventing and creating. They're giving their life's blood to this, and not to mention, I don't even want to ask you how. We're talking 10s and 10s of 1000s to get a patent in America and a worldwide patent. Forget it is over 40 50,000 bucks. Then, you have to maintain that patent. All I'm saying is there are 10s and 10s and bids probably over this period hundreds of 1000s and investment improving to validate this is all legitimate. Then some other person from whoever they are comes over and says you know what? I'll make something that's a ring and try to get it on Amazon and outbid her because that's how Amazon works. You just outbid it. It's an advertising bidding auction. I'll go ahead and give her a call. Dr. Bebes sounds similar after you know Dr. Julie Buzby and then. So you've then what you've got is what we're doing here is we're valuing price over everything else. And this is an American business that we should be supporting. And we should be supporting truth. I don't know what else to call it, and we should help investing and trailblazing people. In the areas that we are concerned about, which is, in this case, it's our animal's health. So that's just a plug for you. I mean, why you wouldn't even? Yeah, I seriously don't. You know, my dog hasn't needed this. Like, I've had him for seven years. So, I haven't looked at Dr. Julie Buzby's for seven years, but I don't know your price point. But let's say, what's your price point on Amazon? Tell me
Dr. Julie Buzby 30:47
$39.99 And the last one to three,
Rob Ryan 30:51
one to three months? Excellent. That was going to be my second question. But let's say there's somebody who sells him for $4. Folks, please value the right thing. Let's say, who knows what people are selling him for? We don't know what chemicals these are made from. We don't know what they're, and they won't support you. They're not going to help anything. And Dr. Julie Buzby's putting out all this information into the world. She's visiting conferences, too, with the sole mission of nail health and mobility. So, I don't want that to be just my plug. I'm sorry, I just like I'm going to hop off the soapbox
Dog Nail Care And Mobility With A Veterinarian 31:33
Dr. Julie Buzby 31:33
Well, most importantly, they cannot get a comparable product. That's the problem. Yeah.
Rob Ryan 31:38
Yeah. I mean, there's there's that reality. But you know, Dr. Julie Buzby, people don't think that when they're on Amazon, they think this looks the same. The images are the same. These people probably copied your idea. I did. Yeah. Yeah. They probably copied this cute image right here. The one that I just showed, they probably copied this one. Did they
Dr. Julie Buzby 32:02
I know they copied another one. But I'm like, What in the world? That's my receptionist, a golden retriever. I custom commission that artwork, and you're taking it as my competitor?
Rob Ryan 32:12
Oh, horrible. So, let's not reward this behavior. Let's, you know, go to toegrips.com. And do business with the people invested in your pet's health. What final words? You must return to your conference, so what are the last words? Do you have anything that we can, you know, tell folks out there? Where to find you. Anything else is going on? Yeah, well,
Dr. Julie Buzby 32:41
I'm super thankful to have the opportunity to put out excellent quality content written by a team of veterinarians on our website, toegrips.com. So we have a blog that's viewed by, like, I don't know, almost half a million people every month. That is, like I said, written by veterinarians. I have a veterinary editor. I have veterinarian writers with me. We have a veterinary photo editor, and all these people are veterinarians. So, it is vetted content. And we cover all kinds of topics on dog health and wellness. And I would love to make that available as a free resource. Also, I was talking about the blog and the website toegrips.com. If it's okay, I'd like to offer your audience a 10% discount. So we set up coupon code Gussy10, G U S S Y.
Rob Ryan 33:35
let me let me put that up. Oh, wish? I didn't know that. That's awesome. Let me put up a little thing on the screen. See if I can do that. See what I'm making?
Dr. Julie Buzby 33:47
Yeah, I believe in you. It's suitable for any product, including the course. And so, if you're interested in the nail trimming course, if you're interested in we have another system on ten touches that could save your dog's life. Learning to do like a self-home exam every week. So you know your dog's normal. Yeah, that well, there is minus the s before the ten. I'm just guessing 10.
Rob Ryan 34:09
Folks, I'm going to do it. I'm going to redo it. Okay, doesn't 10 Yes,
Dr. Julie Buzby 34:14
But the blog is free—all the content there is free. But we do have products, the toe grips; we have a joint supplement that contains New Zealand deer velvet, which is excellent for senior dogs, and then the courses, so it's good for 10% off for your audience.
Rob Ryan 34:29
That's awesome. Well, it's an absolute pleasure to meet and talk with you. We'll have to see if we can go deeper into the nail conversation. I'm sure there are things we haven't thought about, because this all came as a massive surprise to me. We're going to get into like quicks and nails and all that. But I'm so glad we did, and thank you for joining me. Thank you for fitting us in today during your conference.
Dr. Julie Buzby 34:57
It's my pleasure. Thanks so much for having me. I appreciate all that you spoke of. Thank you for supporting American small businesses. And yeah, if your audience ever has any questions, I love helping people and helping people help their dogs. They can reach out on social media through our website in many ways and are welcome to do so.
Rob Ryan 35:20
That's great. All right. Do you have videos on YouTube? Lots. Okay, so you can watch your heart's content. There are some great videos—just type in Tau Grips on YouTube in the YouTube search bar. And thank you, everybody, for joining us and talking about nails and mobility. All right. Thanks, Dr. Julie Buzby. Thank you.