Whole, Enzymatically-Active Superfoods
Here's everything that goes into the Daily formula:
Each formula contains over 180 vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, polyphenols, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and more.
Most of these benefits are only created in our fermentation process. You cannot get them from plain raw vegetables.
These nutritional elements offer health support and protective benefits which include:
▫️ Healthy cell protection
▫️ Natural anti-tumor protection
▫️ Natural anti-viral protection
▫️ Natural antihistamine effects
▫️ Natural anti-pathogenic protection
▫️ Natural gut and colon support and protection
▫️ Natural diarrhea prevention and symptom reduction
▫️ Heart protection
Also notable, our formulas are:
▫️ Made from organic and regenerative ingredients
▫️ Fermented in small batches with our proprietary process
▫️ Freeze-dried to preserve nutrients (never dried)
▫️ Raw, never cooked
▫️ Naturally shelf stable and food safe
▫️ Highly concentrated (1 teaspoon of dried = over 1 OZ of raw superfoods)
Older or unwell dogs can benefit greatly from Gussy's Gut fermented formulas. These conditions can include:
▫️ Weight loss
▫️ Diabetes
▫️ Heart disease
▫️ Colon cancer
▫️ High cholesterol
▫️ Anxiety and mood disorders
One Daily Product
Our one-product philosophy allows us to focus on the best daily supplement for your dog every day. As a company it allows us to focus our time, energy, and talent on a single product that delivers consistently for your dog.
We are committed to modifying our formula from time to time to keep pace with what the finest veterinarians and nutritionists tell us is essential to canine health. We are also committed to sourcing the cleanest ingredients we can first in the USA and globally.
From time to time, we may make limited quantities of valuable specialty formulas. We will never make anything new just to sell you more products.
Following the latest veterinary science, we source every ingredient for the highest possible quality and efficacy for canine health.